
Angina is a symptom of Ischaemic Heart Disease, as well as other conditions. Angina causes pain or discomfort that usually feels tight, gripping or squeezing. It can vary from mild to severe.

People feel angina in many different ways:

  • You may feel angina in the centre of your chest.
  • It may spread to your back, neck or jaw. It may also spread to one or both shoulders, arms or hands.
  • You might feel it in other parts of your body but not in your chest.
  • You may not even have pain, but get an unpleasant feeling in your chest, or feel short of breath.

People can have symptoms at different times. Some get them early in the morning, or when resting or even sleeping. Some get angina in cold weather, after a heavy meal or after physical activity. If you think you may have angina, see your doctor.